Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Where do I get my cacti?

I get my cacti and succulents from wherever I find one I like. My first cacti came from a cacti show and sale put on by the cactus and succulent society in my hometown. This is a great place to get plants because you are buying them from the person who grew them. They can tell you what conditions they grew the plant in and give you tips for once you get it home. Many of these growers are local so the plants are more acclimated to your local weather. These show and sales are only once a year so where do you go to add to your collection the rest of the year? I am lucky enough to live in a city that has a local nursery that grows and sells a wide variety of cacti and succulents. However, I have bought some plants from the big name stores Home Depot and Lowe's but many of these plants have not suvived. Since these plants are mass produced I have come to the conclusion that they are grown in unrealistic conditions and they do not adjust well. The tags on the pots give very generic tips about lighting and watering and knowing where a plant originated doesn't really help either unless you majored in geography and climatology. Now I do have to say some of my plants have survived and are thriving.  I am not saying to avoid buying plants at a national chain. They recieve a great variety of plants. I do recommend leaving it in the store's pot for awhile, several weeks, after you bring it home so it can acclimate. If you repot it right away then it has to deal with root disturdance at the same time and this can add extra stress.  When you do repot make sure to lossen the roots. If there are dry, dead roots, carefully cut them off. Water the soil and place the plant in a well lit area but not direct light.

Lastly, if you have a local cactus and succulent society join it. They have plant exchanges where members bring in plants, plant cuttings, etc. for other members to take home. The majority of my plants have come from plant exchanges. You will also get lots of knowledgable advice. On my home page I have a link to the Cactus and Succulent Society of America. It lists all the society's affiliates and their contact info.

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